Remanufactured cartridges are the heart of Alberta Toner Cartridge Recyclers. We are one of the very few remaining in-house cartridge remanufacturers in Canada. Cartridge & ink refill is only a part of the solution; Alberta Toner takes it one step further, replacing all of the crucial components that make your cartridge function. With this process, we manage to prevent new products from entering the market, saving future waste everyday.
Since 1992, Alberta Toner has recycled over 10,000 pounds or 5 tons of used cartridges, which has significantly helped reduce environmental impact, and we couldn’t have done this without our loyal clients. It takes a fraction of the energy to remanufacture a cartridge compared to producing a new one. All parts of the toner cartridge can be replaced if damaged or worn, allowing the cartridge to be continually recycled, thereby conserving our natural resources.
For every cartridge that is remanufactured, over a pound of plastic is withheld from the waste stream. By choosing a remanufactured cartridge you are eliminating approximately 3 pounds of solid waste material, which would be disposed of at your local landfill site. Each year more than 300 million cartridges end up in landfill sites worldwide, which take over 1,000 years for the toner cartridge to break down and decompose.
Empty or dated products? We recycle printer cartridges so you can save time for more important tasks. Contact us for a pickup, or let our delivery driver know that you have some empties ready for recycling, and we’ll make sure they avoid the landfills.